
Aha! Whiteboards

From improved productivity to increased creativity, assigning tasks can help you stay focused and stay on track. Create to-dos for tasks, communications, and reminders — then enjoy the satisfaction of checking them off as you complete them.

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Create a to-do

You can add a to-do to any workspace whiteboard, or create a to-do that is not attached to an Aha! record.

To add a to-do to a whiteboard:

  • Click the To-dos tab below the whiteboard and click Add to-do.

  • When the Create to-do modal opens, enter a Name for your to-do.

  • Enter a Description of the task that you need to complete.

  • Select a Date that the task will be due.

  • (Optional) Use the Recurring dropdown to create a recurring to-do.

  • Click Save to create your to-do.

To create a to-do unattached to a whiteboard:

  • Hover over the plus + menu in the upper right corner of an Aha! Whiteboards page.

  • Click To-do.

  • When the Create to-do modal opens, enter a Name for your to-do.

  • Enter a Description of the task that you need to complete.

  • Select a Date that the task will be due.

  • (Optional) Use the Recurring dropdown to create a recurring to-do.

  • Click Save to create your to-do.

Assignees mark the to-do complete when they have completed the task. As soon as this happens, it is time to celebrate. Enjoy a colorful toss of confetti!


Track to-dos

The To-dos section of your My work page will list all the to-dos assigned to or created by you. The page groups to-dos into Overdue, Due this week, Due later, and No due date.

Configure this page by:

  • User: By default, you see your to-dos. But you can also see to-dos assigned to other users in your Aha! account.

  • Due: Filter by a particular due date time frame.

  • Click the toggle to choose between to-dos Assigned to me or Created by me.

  • Click the status toggle to choose between to-dos In progress or Completed

  • Sort the page by Due date or Completed date.
