Embed your presentation in another webpage

Aha! Roadmaps

If you would like to embed your Aha! presentation in another webpage, use this article for instructions and best practices.

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Embed your presentation in another webpage

There are several ways to embed a published presentation into another webpage:

  • Include a link to your published presentation.
    Make sure to use the URL from the Open secure webpage button. It will look something like this:

  • Include your presentation in an iframe like the example below:

<iframe src="https://your-domain.aha.io/published/fd554ce954c03d2fa032a233f" style="width: 100%; height: 550px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" seamless="seamless"></iframe>
  • Embed only a single presentation page on another webpage. This option does not include any branding.

    1. First, select the Update secure webpage button to ensure everything is updated.

    2. Next, click the Open secure webpage button.

    3. From the presentation webpage, navigate to the slide you want to embed and right-click to inspect the live code. In Chrome, the menu option is called Inspect; in Firefox, it is called Inspect Element.

    4. Find the correct iframe element. There will be more than one iframe, so make sure you locate the correct one like the example below:
      Replace data-url with src. The end result should look like this:
      <iframe src="https://your-domain.aha.io/published/fd554ce954c03d2fa032a233f/snapshot/6119135030950" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" seamless=""></iframe>

    You can also change the other attributes to properly fit the slide into your own webpage.

Keep in mind that frames are dynamically rendered onto the page, so you must use your browser's element inspector rather than viewing the full-page source. Secure URLs are unique and live with the presentation. This means that you can update the content of your presentation by clicking the Update secure webpage button and the URL will not change. When updating, you do not need to modify the page hosting your presentation.


Notes on embedded presentations

  • Enterprise+ customers, please note that if you have enabled IP based access control, external users may be blocked when attempting to access the presentation from outside of the specified IP addresses.

  • Only publicly viewable presentations can will be visible when embedded in locations outside of Aha! Roadmaps. This is because browsers prohibit login pages in iframes as a security standard. Password protected presentations will display a blank page when embedded. To ensure your embedded presentation is viewable, configure your presentation security options to Allow anyone to access.

  • To allow the browser control that enables fullscreen to be used from within the iframe, the iframe tag needs another attribute like the following example:

<iframe src="https://your-domain.aha.io/published/fd554ce954c03d2fa032a233f/snapshot/6119135030950" style="width: 100%; height: 550px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" seamless="seamless" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
