You can apply custom branding to make your knowledge base an extension of your brand — and let customers know they are in the right place.
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This article discusses functionality that is included in the Aha! Knowledge Advanced plan. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or want to try using it in your account.
Access branding settings
Navigate to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspace -> Knowledge bases and click a knowledge base's name to access its settings. Then, navigate to Customization -> Branding.
Choose colors
Customize colors for different knowledge base components. Create separate color palettes for Light mode and Dark mode to create a custom experience for your knowledge base visitors — regardless of how they are viewing your knowledge base.
Consider accessibility best practices when configuring colors for your knowledge base to ensure a positive visitor experience.
Select a color from the choices provided for each option, or enter a hex code to use a custom color. You can configure custom colors for the following:
Primary accent, buttons, and link colors, and text that appears over buttons
Secondary button and link colors, and text that appears over buttons
Navigation header background and text colors
The highlight color when a document is selected in document navigation
You can preview changes at the bottom of your Color settings.
Upload a logo
Upload your company, product, or knowledge base logo here. It will be visible in the top-left corner of your knowledge base website. The optimal size and dimensions for your logo would be 480px by 300px, with a preferred aspect ratio of 1.6:1. Click Remove logo to remove your logo.
Upload a favicon
Upload a favicon here. It must be in PNG, GIF, or ICO format and 16x16px. Click Remove favicon to remove your favicon.