Aha! Roadmaps connection account configuration

Aha! Develop

Before we get to some best practices, let's move through the account-level settings of your connected account. Navigate to Settings ⚙️→ Account to follow along. You will need to be an administrator to do this.

Administrator type

Account-level setting

Connected account availability



Custom domain


One domain will access either product, depending each user's permissions.

Single sign-on (SSO)


SSO is account-wide, not product specific.


User permissions

Your choice

Users in Aha! Roadmaps workspaces and Aha! Develop teams can have either no access, viewer access, or editor access to work in other workspaces or teams.




Workspace hierarchy

Aha! Roadmaps only

  • Aha! Roadmaps uses workspace lines and workspaces to create custom hierarchies.

  • Aha! Develop uses non-hierarchical teams.

  • From the hierarchy dropdown at the top of any page, users in either product can see workspaces and teams that they have access to.


Aha! Develop only

  • Aha! Roadmaps uses workspace lines and workspaces to create custom hierarchies.

  • Aha! Develop uses non-hierarchical teams.

  • From the hierarchy dropdown at the top of any page, users in either product can see workspaces and teams that they have access to.

Statuses and workflows

Unique — but shared visibility

  • Records in each product have their own workflows, to match the unique workflows that developer and product teams need.

  • When records are shared between products — if both product and developer teams are contributing to a feature, for example — then both workflows are visible to everyone working on the record.

Workflow approval groups

Aha! Roadmaps only — but approvals in general are available in both products.

  • Workflow approval groups can only include users from Aha! Roadmaps

  • Aha! Develop can make use of fixed workflows (which require approvals to move between statuses) and ad hoc approval to-dos.

System broadcasts


  • Broadcasts will appear in all workspaces and teams in your account.

Aha! scorecards


  • Both products can include custom scorecard fields in their record layouts.

  • Only Aha! Roadmaps has a workspace-level setting to configure default scorecards per workspace.

Time frames

Aha! Roadmaps only

  • Only Aha! Roadmaps uses goals and initiatives.



Custom fields


  • Custom fields created in one product can be used in the other.

Custom record layouts

Your choice

  • Share a record layout between the two products

  • Create a unique layout for each product so that developers see only the fields that are relevant to their workflow, and vice versa.

Custom tables

Aha! Roadmaps only

Ideas portals and organizations

Aha! Roadmaps only

  • Ideas portals are for Aha! Roadmaps only, but ideas can be promoted to epics, features, or requirements, all records that Aha! Develop can access.

Capacity planning


  • Users in either product can update a record's estimate

  • The capacity report will display Aha! Develop records

  • The capacity report is only accessible from Aha! Roadmaps

For best results, keep the capacity planning units the same between the two products.


Your choice

Aha! Develop extensions can affect Aha! Roadmaps records if you choose to build one to do so.

Aha! Roadmaps cannot register a full-page extension.

Recycle bin

