Integrate with Microsoft Power BI (Enterprise+)

Aha! Roadmaps

View all of your product development information alongside other business data — integrate Aha! Roadmaps with Microsoft Power BI. This one-way integration allows you to bring key product information from Aha! Roadmaps into the tool you use to report on business performance. Once you have set up the integration and have moved data into Power BI, create reports and visualizations that you can share with stakeholders. For example, add product development KPIs to a dashboard that tracks business goals, combine initiative delivery estimates with cost data to monitor budgets, or report on the status of key development programs.

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This article discusses functionality that is included in the Enterprise+ plan. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or would like to try using it in your account.


Integration type

  • One-way (from Aha! Roadmaps to Power BI)

Aha! Roadmaps level

  • Report level

Power BI requirements

Access to:

  • Power BI Desktop

  • Power BI Server

Required user permissions: Use integration

Associated record types

Aha! Roadmaps

  • Any data that can be visualized in a list report


Set up the integration

In Aha! Roadmaps

This integration exports information from a list report in your Aha! account to Power BI. It does not require formal integration configuration.

  1. Create a list report with all the records and fields you want to be available in Power BI.

  2. Click the Export button and select Power BI.

  3. Click the toggle next to Connect to Power BI. This will generate a link.

  4. Click Copy link.

In Power BI Desktop

Use Power BI Desktop for a one-way, one time export of data from your Aha! account that you can visualize and analyze in Power BI.

  1. From the Home screen, click Get data and select Web. The From Web window will open.

  2. Past the report URL you copied from Aha! Roadmaps into the field and click OK.

  3. Click Use sample data. The data from the Aha! Roadmaps list will display.

  4. Click Load.

You will see all your data from Aha! Roadmaps in the Data menu on the right of your screen. Check the boxes next to each listed column to load it. Then create your reports or visualizations.

When you publish reports in Power BI Desktop that use Aha! Roadmaps data, that data will be visible to anyone with access to the Power BI workspace you published to.

In Power BI Server

User Power BI Server for a one-way synced export from your Aha! account. Power BI Server can refresh the data from your Aha! account on a schedule that you choose.

To keep the Aha! Roadmaps data synced in your Power BI reports, there are a few additional steps to take:

  • Open Power BI Server.

  • Access the Power BI workspace where you saved the report and ensure you are using Lineage view.

  • Find the report that you want to sync and click its More options menu. Then select Settings.

  • Click the toggle to enable Configure a refresh schedule. Then select how often you want to refresh data from the Refresh frequency menu.

  • Select a time you want data to refresh and click Apply.

Troubleshoot your Power BI integration

If a report is very large, there may be too much data to export all at once and the export request from your Aha! account may time out. If this happens, the integration cannot successfully connect and Power BI may display an error stating they cannot process data in the dataset.

If you encounter this issue, you can export the report one page at a time instead. To do this for the Aha! integration, you will need to create the following functions.

In Power BI:

  • Create a function GetPage that returns a single page from your list report. Power BI will generate this for you.

  • In the automatically generated function, change: = () => let to = (page as number) => let power_bi to power_bi?page=" & Number.ToText(page) & "&per_page=100

  • Create a function GenerateByPage — this will keep asking for pages until one is null.

= (getNextPage as function) as table =>
listOfPages = List.Generate(
() => [nextPageNumber = 2, lastPage = getNextPage(1, null)], // get the first page of data
each [lastPage] <> null, // stop when the function returns null
each [nextPageNumber = [nextPageNumber] + 1, lastPage = getNextPage([nextPageNumber], [lastPage])], // pass the previous page to the next function call
each [lastPage]
// concatenate the pages together
tableOfPages = Table.FromList(listOfPages, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"Column1"}),
firstRow = tableOfPages{0}?
// if we didn't get back any pages of data, return an empty table
// otherwise set the table type based on the columns of the first page
if (firstRow = null) then
// check for empty first table
else if (Table.IsEmpty(firstRow[Column1])) then
Table.ExpandTableColumn(tableOfPages, "Column1", Table.ColumnNames(firstRow[Column1])),
  • Finally, create a function GetAllPages that will append all pages together

= () as table =>
GenerateByPage((pageNumber, previous) =>
page = if (previous = null or Table.RowCount(previous) > 1) then GetPage(pageNumber) else null

You can find additional information about this process from Power BI here.


If you get stuck, please reach out to our Customer Success team. Our team is made up entirely of product experts and responds fast.