Workspace settings

Aha! Knowledge

This article is part of a series of settings overview articles:









Workspace-level settings affect a particular workspace or workspace line in your Aha! account. This article will explain each workspace setting in the Workspace: <your workspace> section.

Open your workspace settings by navigating to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspace.

Click any of the following links to skip ahead:


Document access

All users with reviewer permissions for a workspace can view that workspace's documents. Here, you can configure whether reviewers can edit them too. Select View if you only want reviewers to be able to view documents. Select Edit to allow reviewers to be able to edit workspace documents. Click Update workspace configuration to save your changes.

Once your changes are saved, document access settings will be applied to all documents in your workspace. You can change access settings for reviewers on individual documents without changing them for all users. To change reviewer access on a single document, access its Share menu and use the dropdown next to Reviewers to select Edit or View.


Document templates

Custom document templates are available for subscribers on the Aha! Knowledge Advanced plan.

Document templates provide a ready-to-use format for the types of documents you create most. Choose from a library of templates when you create a new document. If you have specific details pertinent to your team that you want to include in a document template, create your own custom templates in workspace settings. Shared templates can be inherited from a workspace line, so you can drive consistency across teams and establish a standard approach for capturing information.

If you want to share a template across multiple teams, we recommend creating it at the highest level in your hierarchy so that it can be inherited by any workspace lines and workspaces within it. You must be a workspace contributor to add a document template.

From the Document templates section, click Add document templates. Then select Note, Whiteboard, or Meeting. Customize the template to your needs — add tables, images, and more. You can also assign watchers, add to-dos, and change the title icon to an emoji to help your template stand out.

When you are ready to use a template you have created, you will find it in the Workspace section of your template library.



Import from Confluence

If you are storing product information in notes in Confluence (Cloud, Data Center, or Server), you can easily import it all into Aha! Knowledge. Anyone with contributor permissions to a workspace can import notes from Confluence.

The Import from Confluence will allow you to import the following information:

  • Notes

  • Images

  • Attachments

We recommend that you use this import as a one-time migrations of notes.
