How to import documents into your workspace

Aha! Roadmaps

Document sprawl hinders productivity — it is difficult to find and use information when it is scattered across different locations. The time you currently spend looking for resources could otherwise be spent ideating, building, and adding value to products. But you get time back when you centralize product documentation. Import everything from published product knowledge bases to team Confluence spaces into your Aha! workspace to ensure everyone has the most up-to-date resources.

This article guides you through importing documents into your workspace based on document type and where you currently store them.

Workspace settings open to the Import from Word page with an Import success message

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You can import documents from other tools into your workspace to consolidate your documents in one central location. The import is one way (from the source into an Aha! workspace). Imported documents do not link to or sync with any record outside your account.

Documents that you import become notes in your workspace. Your Aha! account will attempt to match the original document content and formatting as much as possible, including text, font styles, color, formatting, tables, and links. This process also imports images and attachments.

When you import structured folders of documents, established folder hierarchies will carry over as well.


Import DOCX files

Workspace owners and contributors can import DOCX files into your workspace. This is ideal if you store documentation in one of the following tools:

  • Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft SharePoint

  • Microsoft OneDrive

  • Microsoft OneNote

  • Google Docs

To import DOCX files:

  1. Export documents to a ZIP file from the tool you use.

  2. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspace -> Import documents and select Microsoft Word.

  3. Click Choose file and select the ZIP file you just exported.

  4. Click Import.

Workspace settings with the Import Microsoft Word documents page open to the import screen


Import from Confluence

Workspace owners and contributors who also have access to a Confluence space can import documents from Confluence. You can even import an entire Confluence space into your workspace:

  1. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspace -> Import Documents -> Confluence.

  2. Select how your Confluence site is hosted:

    1. If you select Confluence Cloud, enter your Confluence URL, Email address, and API token. Your Confluence URL should include and end with /wiki.

    2. If you select Confluence Data Center or Server, enter your Confluence URL and personal access token.

  3. Click Test connection to ensure you can establish a connection between your Aha! account and Confluence.

  4. Select a Confluence space from the dropdown.

  5. Click Import.

Workspace settings with the Import documents from Confluence page open to the import screen


Import documents published online

Workspace owners and contributors can use the Aha! Knowledge Chrome extension to import documents stored in a web-based tool or published on a live website. If the website requires a password or single sign-on authentication, you will need to log in before using the importer. The browser extension is useful for importing documents stored or published using the following tools, plus more:

  • Document360

  • Zendesk

  • ProProfs

  • Public websites

This is not a complete list — we encourage you to give the importer a try with additional tools and websites and send feedback on how it worked for you.

Add the browser extension to Google Chrome

  1. Log in to your Aha! account from a Google Chrome browser. Then, navigate to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspaces -> Import Documents. You will need to be a workspace owner to do this.

  2. Click Other to navigate to the Aha! Knowledge importer extension's page in the Chrome Web Store. (If you are a workspace contributor, you can access this page from a link.)

  3. Click Add to Chrome to add the extension to your browser.

Use the browser extension to import documents

  1. Navigate to the website where the documents you want to import are located. If you are using a web-based application that requires authentication for access — such as Document360 or Zendesk — log in as you normally would.

  2. Open the Chrome extension and click Scan.

  3. Check the boxes next to documents you want to import.

  4. Select a workspace from the dropdown.

  5. Click Import selected pages.

A knowledge base website with the Aha! KNowledge importer Chrome extension open and many documents selected


Reorganize documents

The documents you import will end up in your workspace documents. Navigate to Knowledge -> Documents and find them at the top of your other workspace documents in their original folders.

To incorporate some or all of your documents into your existing workspace document hierarchy, drag and drop folders and documents to reorganize them into your preferred order. To add documents to an existing folder, drag and drop the document on top of its intended location.

If you imported documents into the wrong workspace, you can easily move them. Ensure the documents you want to move are in a folder together. Then, use the More options menu on the folder to move them to the appropriate workspace.

Anyone with access to your workspace will be able to view imported documents. Workspace owners and contributors can configure a document's Share menu to control access to it.
