Portal comments

Aha! Ideas

Portal comments empower you to capture additional context, use cases or scenarios from your community that help clarify and expand the original idea — so you can better understand your customers' needs.

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Portal users can add comments to ideas that are visible to them in your ideas portal. This enables them to highlight urgent needs or critical use cases, provide perspective on ideas they are interested in, or discuss ideas with other users in your portal.

Aha! users can add portal comments from within Aha! Ideas. When they do, they can choose if they want their comment to be visible to all portal users or private to the creator of the idea or creator of the comment and your employees.

Workspace owners, contributors, and reviewers in your Aha! account can add portal comments and internal comments to ideas. Internal comments do not appear in your ideas portal.


Configure portal comment visibility

A customizations administrator can configure default comment visibility for portal users, employees, and Aha! users so that users who tend to submit sensitive information can have their comments default to private.

  • From your portal settings, navigate to General -> Type -> Comment visibility.

    Comment visibility settings in ideas portal settings

  • (Optional)Check the box next to Enable private comments if you want portal users to submit portal comments privately and for private comments to show to those permitted to see them in your ideas portal.

  • Configure default visibility settings for comments for each user type in your portal:

    • Visible to all: The comment will be visible to all visitors to your ideas portal.

    • Visible to comment creator and our employees: The comment will be visible to the person who added the comment, portal users you have added as employees, and Aha! users.


Add a portal comment

From your portal

Portal users can click Add comment on any idea to draft a new comment. If you have enabled private comments, they will have to option to send the comment privately by checking the box next to Only share with our employees before clicking Post comment to submit it. If they do not select Only share with our employees, then their comment will be visible to all portal users.

Adding a comment to an idea in a portal

Portal users can also respond to existing comments by clicking Reply, creating a threaded conversation. When replying to comments within the ideas portal, comments will have the same visibility as the parent comment.

Although users in your Aha! account can comment on ideas from your ideas portal, it may be more useful for them to add portal comments from within your Aha! account — so they can respond privately to idea creators when appropriate.

From your Aha! account

Workspace owners, contributors, and reviewers can add public portal comments to ideas from within your Aha! Ideas account.

  • Find the idea you want to comment on within your Aha! account and access its Comments tab.

  • Select Portal comments at the top. Then begin typing your comment in the text box.

  • Select an option next to Visibility in portals:

    • Visible to all: The comment will be visible to all portal users.

    • Visible to idea creator and our employees: The comment will be visible to the person who added the idea, portal users you have added as employees, and Aha! users.

    • Visible to comment creator and our employees: The comment will be visible to the person who added the comment, portal users you have added as employees, and Aha! users.

  • Click Add a comment to the portal.


Private portal comments

Portal users

When private comments are enabled, portal users can check or uncheck the option to Only share privately each time they comment on an idea. Private comments will display a Lock icon.

a portal comment that is private

Aha! users

Workspace owners, contributors, and reviewers can add private portal comments to ideas from within your Aha! account. When creating a comment, users can select Visible to idea creator and our employees to reply privately to an idea creator. When a portal comment is private, it will display a lock icon. Hover your mouse over it to display visibility details. Click the lock icon to change a comment's visibility in the portal.

a portal comment viewed from within Aha! Ideas
