This article is part of a series on strategic models:
We created the Aha! business model canvas based on our combined experience building products, analyzing marketing campaigns, and growing software companies. Use this strategic model to create a comprehensive overview of your strategy.
Want more detail? Create an Aha! Framework to see the entire Aha! development process.
To create an Aha! business model canvas, navigate to Strategy → Models, click Add model, and then select Aha! business model canvas from the Example templates.
You can always customize strategic models to your needs. The standard fields in this model are:
Description: Basic introduction to your business model.
Key objectives: Top goals and how you measure them.
Customer targets: Types of customers who purchase your solution.
Customer challenges: Pain points for your customers.
Our solution: Primary way that you solve your customer's challenges.
Our value: Core elements of your solution that make it unique and differentiated.
Our pricing: How you package your solution and what it will cost.
Our messaging: Clear and compelling copy that explains why your solution is worth buying.
Go-to-market: Strategy used to market and sell to your customers.
Investment required: Costs needed to make the solution a success.
Growth opportunity: Ways that you will grow the business.