You can customize the Gantt view to focus on critical elements of your plans.
Navigate to Releases -> Gantt from the features board.
Use the Gantt type toggle to to choose the record types you want to visualize on your Gantt chart:
Releases, phases, and features: Show features in the context of releases and release phases.
Releases, epics, and features: Show features together with their releases and epics, including epics not part of the features' releases.
Epics and features: Show features in the context of their epics, with an expandable section that includes the features' Release names.
Use the Customize view ⚙️ dropdown to customize your Gantt layout.
Customize view: Choose whether to display weekends, assignees, progress, or the progress chart beside each release.
Color bars by: Choose whether you want to color the Gantt bars by Status, Assignee, record Type, or (for Epics and features Gantts) Release.
Sort releases by / Sort epics by: Releases and epics on your Gantt chart are sorted chronologically by their Start dates by default, but you may prefer a different sort order. Use this submenu to sort your releases or epics by Start date, End date, or Name. You can also sort releases by their Release date, and sort epics by their Aha! Roadmaps Score. Note: If the data you sorted by changes over time (or if you drag the releases or epics to create a custom sort order), your Gantt chart will not automatically re-sort itself. If you ever want to re-sort your data by one of these options, just reselect that option from this submenu.
Manage dependencies: Choose whether to show or hide the connector lines that indicate dependencies, and enable or disable the Other dependency sections for each release or epic. Note: You can also configure connector lines for individual records by clicking the More options menu beside the record name.
Use the filters on top to show or hide different workspaces, releases, or shipped releases. If you hover over the filters bar, you can click the Add filters + icon to add basic filters, or click the Edit filters icon to add advanced filters.
You can also add the Release settings dropdown as a filter on many roadmaps and reports, where it will allow you to show or hide parking lots and shipped releases.
From the right side of the Gantt chart:
Use the Timeline menu to focus your Gantt chart on the right date range. Choose from Three-month, Six-month, or One-year views, or choose to Fit all of your data into one view. You can also choose to select a Custom date range. Your Gantt chart defaults to Fit when you first load it, and if you change any data, refreshing the page will zoom to Fit your data again.
Use the Zoom in and Zoom out magnifiers to further customize your timeline.
When you save and share a Gantt chart externally, the date range in the view you share will be what you selected in the Timeline menu. This lets you control what part of your roadmap you want people to see — you can focus their attention without sharing your entire roadmap.
When you save and share a Gantt chart with other Aha! Roadmaps users in your account, they will initially see the date range you selected. They can then use the Timeline menu to adjust the view.
From the left side of the Gantt chart:
Click the More options button beside any release to:
Sort phases and milestones by their Start dates, End dates, or Alphabetically. This changes the view for you but not for other people who view the release. To share your view with other people, click Save in the upper-right corner of the page.
Sort features by Rank (their rank on the Features Board), Start date, End date, or Alphabetically. Sorting features on the Gantt view does not affect their sort order in the Features Board view, and does not change the view for other people who view the release. To share your view with other people, click Save in the upper right corner of the page.
Click the More options button beside any release or phase to Align the release or the phase with its visible children. This is useful if you want your release to start with the Start date of your first feature, and finish with the End date of your last feature.
Click the More options button beside any phase, feature, or milestone to:
Edit record details. This will open up that record's drawer view.
Hide connector lines. This will hide (or show) the lines that indicate dependencies.
Features have an additional option in this menu: the option to Remove from Gantt. This will hide the element from the Gantt view without removing it from the release. You can click the + icon and Add existing feature to show the hidden feature again.
From the Gantt chart:
Click and drag vertically to re-sort the order of any feature, epic, release, release phase, or milestone. If a record has child records, it needs to be collapsed before you can move it.
Click and drag horizontally to adjust the dates of any record on the Gantt chart. If the record has child records and is expanded, all child records will move with the parent record. If the record has child records and is collapsed, just the parent record will move.
From the Releases -> Details page:
Add or remove phases and milestones according to the unique needs of your release. Select the release to bring out the release detail drawer (or go to Releases Details), then select the Phases tab. To remove phases or milestones, hover over the desired one and click the x icon to the right. To add, click the Add Phase or Add Milestone buttons.
The Releases -> Details view is hidden for new Aha! Roadmaps accounts. If you would like to enable it, you can do so by customizing your menu navigation.