Account profile settings

Aha! Develop

This article is part of a series of settings overview articles:








Status automation



Just like your personal profile, the first section of Aha! Develop account settings helps you control the look of your account and the experience new users have when they first join it.

There are three levels of account settings in Aha! Develop. These correspond to the three levels of administrator permissions: Account, Billing, and Customizations. In this article, we will focus on the Account settings. To explore other settings, use the links at the top of the page.

You need to be an administrator with account user permissions to access this section of the account settings.

Open your account settings by clicking on Settings ⚙️→ Account. Click any of the links below to skip ahead.


The Profile settings control the name and domain of your Aha! Develop account.


Set the Name for your Aha! Develop account. Generally, this is the same as your company name. After you update it, click Update account profile to save your changes.


Custom domain

The Custom domain field is the domain name that you will give to your users to access your account — e.g. You select it when you first sign up for an Aha! Develop trial.

It is possible to change your account's custom domain name, though it is a fairly significant undertaking. A domain name change will affect your Aha! Develop account and data.

  • You can change your account's domain name to anything that has not already been taken. If the name you want has been taken, please contact our Customer Success team and we will see if we can help.

  • A domain name change will affect any bookmarks and saved links to your Aha! Develop account. Those links will need to be updated.

To change your domain name:

  1. Ensure that all other users are logged out of your Aha! Develop account so they do not receive error messages.

  2. Go to Settings ⚙️→ Account → Profile.

  3. Type your new domain name in the Custom domain field.

  4. Click Update account profile.

Access request instructions

If a user in your account tries to access a team or record that they do not have permissions to view, you can create a custom message with instructions for how they should request access. This is particularly useful if you are in a large Aha! account or have well-defined policies and procedures for account management.

Users will see your custom instructions in two places:

  • From the error page when they try to access a team or record they do not have permissions to view.

  • From their personal settings at Settings ⚙️ -> Personal -> Workspace access.

If you do not want to create custom access request instructions, users will see a list of every billing administrator in your Aha! account. They can email any of those administrators to request access.

Enter any custom message you like, then click Update no access message to save it.


Default homepage

Customize the first page that your Aha! account users will see when they login. The custom homepage can be nearly any screen or specific saved view in your account — such as notes or reports.

  • Homepage: Select the Aha! page or specific saved view you want for your Aha! account's default homepage.

  • URL: If you chose a Specific page, enter its URL here.

  • Click Update homepage to set the default.

If the homepage is a specific page that the user does not have permission to view, they will see the Aha! data model.


Security and single sign-on

These settings affect the information in your Aha! Develop account — who can access it and how you choose to share it. Let's start with enabling two-factor authentication.

Duo Security two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) can improve your Aha! Develop account's security by adding another level of protection to the login process. When you first log in, an integrated security platform sends a message to your phone (mobile or landline) asking you to confirm that you are the person who initiated the login. Once you confirm, the login is successful.

If you did not initiate the login attempt, you can deny the attempt and avoid a security breach.

We have integrated Aha! Develop with Duo Security for two-factor authentication. Duo offers several authentication techniques, simple configuration, and a free plan for small teams. If enabled, two-factor authentication applies to all users in your Aha! Develop account.

To enable 2FA in your account:

  1. An Aha! Develop administrator must first sign up for a Duo account. There is no need to add your Aha! Develop users to Duo manually — they will be added automatically the first time they log into Aha! Develop after two-factor is enabled.

  2. In Duo, navigate to Applications and select Protect an Application. Set the Type to Web SDK, and Name your application "Aha!" (or something similar).

  3. Use Duo's default settings and copy the Client ID, Client secret, and API hostname values for when you move to Aha! Develop to enable two-factor authentication.

  4. In Aha! Develop, navigate to Settings ⚙️→ Account → Security and single sign-on → Duo Security two-factor authentication.

  5. Enter the values you copied from Duo into the appropriate Aha! Develop fields, then click Update authentication.

  6. Test the authentication by using a different browser (or a different device), so that you can change the settings if they are wrong. In your alternate Aha! Develop instance, try logging in. After entering your email address and password, you will be prompted to enroll for two-factor authentication.

To configure 2FA for your account:

  1. The first time you log in to Aha! Develop after 2FA has been enabled, you will see a pop-up. Click Start Setup to continue.

  2. You will be prompted to select the device that Duo will use to verify your login attempts. We suggest using your mobile phone.

  3. Enter your location, phone number, and type of phone.

  4. If you have selected your mobile device, launch the appropriate app store to download and install the free Duo app.

We strongly suggest that you tap OK when asked if Duo Mobile should be able to send push notifications to you. This is important because when you log into the Aha! Develop web application, you will automatically receive a notification on your phone. After you hit Confirm on your phone, you will be automatically be logged in into your Aha! Develop account.

To set up a new mobile device for 2FA:

  • If you replace your device, you will need to reactivate your account in order for Duo's push notifications to function.

  • If your Duo administrator has you set up to manage your own devices, you can do this yourself. Otherwise, you will need to contact the Aha! Develop administrator with admin access to your Duo account to send an activation link to your new device.


Single sign-on

Use the Single sign-on section of the settings enable single sign-on (SSO) in your account.

Aha! Develop supports SAML 2.0 and Google Cloud Identity as identity providers. Use the Identity provider dropdown to select your preferred identity provider, and follow the prompts to enable SSO and apply it to specific teams. Click Enable to enable SSO.


Share as webpage security

You can share nearly any view in Aha! Develop on a secure webpage. Your reports and shared views are intended to be shared with a specific audience. Whether you are sharing a burndown chart, retrospective, or list report, sometimes the information you need to share is proprietary — and establishing the appropriate security settings at the account level is important. Published Aha! web pages have their own unique URL, and enhanced webpage security settings enable you to control who can access that web page.

Check the box next to Enable share as webpage to allow Aha! views to be shared as webpages. Then click the radio button next to your choice to configure Enhanced security:

  • Allow anyone to access: Anyone with the URL to the Aha! webpage will be able to view it.

  • Allow only Aha! or single sign-on users to access: Only users in your Aha! account or who can authenticate to your Aha! account or ideas portal using SSO will be able to view the webpage.

Enabling SSO for webpages will enable it for all shared views. You will not be able to change this setting for individual webpages.


Document previewer control

The Document previewer control setting enables and disables document previews.

Aha! Develop generates previews of files attached to Aha! Develop records using Google. The preview allows you to view the attachment without leaving Aha! Develop and opening another program. If you do not want this option to be available to you — if you want your users to access attachments in their program of origin for security reasons, for example — you can disable it here.

Click Update preview control when you have made your selection.


AI control

The AI control settings enable AI drafting in the Aha! text editor and AI-powered search. By default, AI will be enabled. Disabling AI removes the wand icon from your text editor.

  • AI drafts in text editor: Enable or disable the AI assistant. Disabling AI removes the wand icon from your text editor.

  • AI analysis of search results: This setting allows AI search to be enabled in your Aha! account.

Your Aha! account data is not used to train the language model.


Enable extensions

Extensions use JavaScript to extend the Aha! Develop user interface as well as to automate actions within Aha! Develop and between Aha! Develop and other systems. Any user in your account can create an extension but only an administrator can install an extension in your account.

Check Allow extensions to enable or disable extensions in your Aha! Develop account.


Allow list IP addresses for on-premise systems

The Allow list IP addresses for on-premise systems setting is a helpful note for users who need to add IP addresses as exceptions to their firewall so that their extensions will flow correctly. It will list the source IP addresses for your account.


Improving reception of emails from Aha!

The Improving reception of emails from Aha! setting is another helpful note for users who need to allow list Aha! Develop notification email or IP addresses so that Aha! Develop notifications do not get lost in your account users' spam filters.
