Personal settings

Aha! Develop

This article is part of a series of settings overview articles:








Status automation



Structure your unique Aha! Develop experience with personal settings. You can edit your profile, adjust how often you receive notifications for records in your account, and authorize or revoke authorization for a variety of integrations.

Guest accounts will only have the Profile in their personal settings.

Open your personal settings by navigating to Settings ⚙️→ Personal. Click any of the links below to skip ahead.


Your Profile settings affect your Aha! Develop user profile.

User profile

  • Use Picture to upload or replace your profile picture.

  • Use Name to update your first or last name.

  • Use Email to see the email associated with your user account. You can update it below.

  • Use Time zone to change your local time zone. Aha! Develop notifications will display the time zone you choose.

  • Use Locale to set the way that Aha! Develop will display dates and numbers. By default, it will be determined from your browser's settings, but you can change it here if you need to.

  • Use Week begins to determine the first day of the week for calendars or timelines you view in your Aha! account.

Click Update user profile to save your changes.

Change email

  • Use the Change email settings to update the email associated with your account. First Verify your password, then enter and confirm a new email.

Click Update email to save your changes.

Change password

  • Use the Change password settings to update your password. Click the ? icon next to the New password field to see the password requirements.

Click Update password to change your password, or Forgot password to reset your password.

Product announcements

We update Aha! products frequently — with new functionality, improvements, and fixes. This setting suppresses the in-app system broadcasts that pop up when Aha! announces new updates. It affects only your user, and no one else in your Aha! account.

Even if you disable product announcements, you will always be able to see technical or urgent broadcasts for scheduled server maintenance or to report an outage.

  • Click the toggle to Enable or Disable product announcements.

You can still stay on top of recent product updates from the ? menu in the navigation bar. Open that menu and expand the What's new section to see recent product announcements.

Finally, you can change your Aha! Develop theme:

  • Select Light to see white cards and black text. This is the default.

  • Select Dark if you prefer dark mode — dark cards and white text.

  • Select Same as system to match a preference you have already set in your computer's system preferences.

Want to add Aha! Develop theme elements to your extension? Use web components to match background, buttons, text, and icon styles.



Your efforts create value for your customers and the business — it is challenging work. This is why celebrating every accomplishment is so important.

Aha! software helps you find joy as you make progress toward your goals. When you complete work, you will be treated to a burst of colorful virtual confetti.

This moment of animated satisfaction occurs when you:

  • Complete a to-do

  • Move work into a Shipped status category (e.g., shipping a feature or achieving an initiative)

The Confetti setting is enabled by default. You can opt out by toggling Throw confetti to Disable.


Home page

You can set almost any page in Aha! Develop as your personal home page, though common choices are the My work or Notifications pages.

The My work page will keep you up to date on your tasks, while Notifications allows you to catch up on activity on the records you are involved with. You can also choose a broader perspective and start with your Releases board or recently updated Documentation.

Click Update home page to save your changes. To access your home page, click the account logo in the upper-left corner of your screen.


Notification preferences

Use notification preferences to adjust how often you hear about the progress of work in Aha! Develop — and what activities you want to trigger a notification.

Notifications can come to you instantly through Aha! Develop or by email. You can arrange different settings for records that you are watching or participating in and unsubscribe from a particular team's updates.

There are three tabs on this page:

  • Preferences lets you adjust your notification preferences.

  • Participating shows you records assigned to you and record comments you are subscribed to.

  • Watching shows you all records you are a watcher on. Click Unwatch to remove yourself as watcher from a particular record or Unwatch all records to remove yourself as a watcher from all records.

Emailing watchers through the Email watchers link on a record will email each watcher based on the notification preferences they have set.

Set global notifications preferences in the Preferences tab. From here, you can Turn off all notifications or Enable desktop notifications. You can also set per-team notification preferences using the hierarchy on the left.

To do this, click the arrows to expand the hierarchy to your desired level. Then use the Participating and Watching dropdowns to adjust your notification preferences for each.

The Turn off all notifications setting affects email notifications on to-dos for assignment, edits, and comments. Daily reminders of upcoming and overdue to-dos are not affected by this setting.

There are five notification frequency levels for records that you are Participating or Watching:

  • Instant emails send emails within 10 minutes of a record being updated. Instant emails are record-specific but show all the changes made to that record within that 10-minute delay.

  • Hourly emails send email digests for changes made across a team's records over the last 60 minutes. They are triggered at the top of each hour.

  • Daily emails send email digests for changes made across a team's records over the last 24 hours. They are triggered at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

  • Browser only sends a notification popup through your web browser within 10 minutes of a record being updated. Browser notifications are record-specific but show all the changes made to that record within that 10-minute delay.

  • Off disables notifications.

At the bottom of the Preferences tab is an additional Receive notifications for dependent records checkbox. If checked, you will receive notifications for records linked to a record where you are participating or watching. This includes records that are marked Related to or Dependent on through the Link to another record menu.

Some Aha! Develop users report that notification emails from Aha! Develop are caught by their email spam filters. You can resolve this issue by allowing these email domains or IP addresses.


Personal document templates

Document templates provide a ready-to-use format for the types of documents you create most. Aha! Develop offers a library of templates to choose from when you create a new document. If you have specific details you like to include in your personal documents, or if you want to save time setting up the structure of documents you regularly create, you can create custom templates that only you can access. Once you have created a personal document template, you can access it in the template library My work page or from any workspace you have contributor access to.

From the Personal document templates section, click Add document templates. Then select Note or Whiteboard. Customize the note template to your needs — add tables, images, Aha! views, and more.

After you have created a template, you can hover over it to view the actions available, including View, Edit, or Delete. When you are ready to use a template, you will find it in the Personal section of your template library.


Storage services

Storage services allow your team to attach documents, images and other assets to Aha! Develop records. You can control which available storage services you would like to link to your account with the Storage services personal settings.

To link or unlink your account from a storage service, click Link account or Unlink account.

For more information about storage services integrations, see these articles:



Developer settings give you information that your Aha! Develop account needs for integrations and authorizations.

  • The API keys tab shows you any API keys you have generated and allows you to generate a new API key through the Generate API key button. API keys allow you to access the Aha! API.

  • The Authorized applications tab shows you which apps you have authorized to access your Aha! account using your identity. The Aha! mobile app, for example, uses this level of authorization. You may revoke any app's access by hovering over an authorized application and clicking the Revoke button.

  • The OAuth applications tab shows you any Open Authorization applications you have authorized to access the Aha! API. Click the Register OAuth application button to register a new OAuth app, then fill in its Name and Redirect URI(s). Note that the Redirect URI needs to begin with https://. Each Redirect URI should be on a separate line. Click Create to register the app.
    Once you have registered an OAuth application, you can Edit or Delete it. You will also see the below fields. Click the Clipboard icon beside any of them to copy the field to your clipboard.

    • Redirect URI / Callback URL

    • Client ID / Application ID

    • Client Secret

    • Authorize URL

  • The GraphQL API explorer tab opens a new window so you can interactively explore the Aha! GraphQL schema.



With extensions, you can customize your Aha! Develop account to build your way — update the UI, add unique workflows, and much more. Though extensions are installed account-wide by administrators with customization permissions, you will only see the extensions that you enabled for yourself.

Extensions have complete control over your Aha! Develop account and may also have access to other systems that you have linked to Aha! Develop via other extensions. If you have questions about an extension installed in your account, please contact the Installed by user.

From your Extensions personal settings, you will see a list of all Available extensions, including:

  • Whether they are Enabled for your Aha! Develop user.

  • The Name and version of the extension.

  • Who the extension was Installed by.

Hover over an extension to access any Settings associated with it.

Click the Enable toggle to enable or disable extensions for your user. You will immediately be able to access the new functionality that the extension provides.


Background jobs

If you start a long job, such as an import or bulk edit, you can leave the page and check its progress on the Background jobs page. The Background jobs page shows the progress of long-running processes that you started in the past 7 days.


Team access

If you try to access a team or record that you do not have permissions to view, administrators in your Aha! account can create a custom message detailing who you should contact to request access.

You will see your Aha! account administrators' custom instructions in two places:

  • From the error page when you try to access a team or record you do not have permissions to view.

  • Here in your personal settings.

If your account administrators have not created a custom message, you will see a list of every billing administrator in your Aha! account. You can email any of those administrators to request access.
