Share documents

Aha! Knowledge

You are free to share Aha! documents with anyone — so you can drive alignment on your plans and work collaboratively with the team.

a workspace document with its share menu open

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Share menu overview

All workspace and personal documents have a Share menu in the upper-right corner. Personal documents include one option (Guest) in the share menu. Workspace documents include three options:

  • Workspace: Set Reviewer access. This is the best place to share your document with internal teams. You can set default access for all reviewers in your workspace from the Document access section of your workspace settings. But from here, you can override default settings for an individual document.

    Aha! Knowledge Advanced plan subscribers can set granular permissions to determine which users can view and edit individual documents.

  • Guest: Generate a shareable link to and set default guest access for your document. This is the best place to share with stakeholders outside your account that you want to collaborate with.

  • Web: Share a view-only link to a note that will update automatically in its own webpage. This is a great way to share a document to keep people informed of your plans. Anyone with the link will be able to view the document. Aha! Knowledge Advanced customers can publish a knowledge base from here as well.


Share a document

Anyone can share a personal document that they have created with a shareable link. Contributors can also share workspace documents — but viewers and reviewers cannot share workspace documents.

Share with users in your Aha! account

Other users in your account who have access to your workspace can view workspace documents at any time. If you want to share a specific document with other members of your workspace, you can send them a link to the document. You can update a document's reviewer access from the share modal to View or Edit.

Access the Share menu and select the Workspace tab. Then, click Copy link next to Workspace access. Provide the link to whomever you need to share it with. Keep in mind that this link will only work for users in your account who have permission to access your workspace (and is not the same link you will use to share with guests).

Aha! Knowledge Advanced plan subscribers can decide exactly who can view or edit a document.

You can also @mention a user in your account. This will add them as a watcher on the document. Watchers receive notifications when documents change.

Share with guests

A guest is someone who is not a user in your Aha! account. Guests can view or edit your document with a link you send them. A guest needs an account to view documents. Guest accounts are free.

a workspace document with the share menu open to share with a guest via email

Share a link

Access the Share menu and select the Guest tab. Then, click Generate link. Provide the link to anyone you want to share the document with. You can set default View, View and comment, or Edit access for all guests using the dropdown under Guest access.

You can disable the link whenever you choose. If you disable the link, anyone who has the link but has not yet accepted access to the document will not be able to access it. Anyone who has already accepted the document will not lose access.

Invite with email

To send an invitation to view a document, enter the email address of the person you want to share your document with in the Invite with email field. You can also add an optional message. Click Send invite to send your invitation. The person you invite to view your document will receive an email giving them access to the document.

Once someone accesses a document you have shared with them from a guest account, their email address will be listed in the People who have access section of the Share modal. You can then edit their access individually so you can control exactly who can make changes to your document. You can remove access to your document for any guest by hovering over their initials and clicking the trash icon that appears.

Share as a webpage

Share a single document as a webpage, access the Web tab of your Share menu and click Manage webpage. Then click the toggle to Enable share as webpage. Click Copy link for the link to your webpage. Then share it with anyone.

Anyone with access to the link will be able to view the document. You can disable the link by clicking the toggle again or by clicking Generate new link. When you generate a new link, the previous link will no longer work.

Aha! Knowledge Advanced subscribers can share a collection of documents as a published knowledge base.


Accept a document

Someone in your Aha! account might share a personal document with you by sending you a link. Likewise, someone from a different Aha! account might send a link to share a document with you. If you are logged in to your Aha! account, you will see an option to accept and view the document. Click View document to accept and view it.

If you are not logged into your Aha! account when you click the link, you will see a prompt to sign up for an account. We recommend logging in to your Aha! account first and then accessing the link to avoid creating an additional guest account to view the document.

If you do not have an Aha! account, you can sign up for a guest account from the invitation. Guest accounts are free.
