Calculate release and release phase dates

Aha! Roadmaps

Calculate release and release phase dates

Releases are containers for phases, milestones, epics, and features, while release phases are containers for features. If you choose, you can calculate a release or a release phase's Date range from its child phases and features.

To do this, open up a release or release phase's detail view, and select the appropriate calculation type from the Date range field on the Overview tab.

  • If a release or a release phase is set to calculate its dates from child records, and one of those records' dates change in a way that affects the release or the release phase's dates (even through an integration), the parent record's dates will update automatically.

If an integration updates a release's Date range, the calculation type will change back to Enter manually, and updates to child records' dates that you make in Aha! Roadmaps will not update the parent record.

  • If a release or a release phase is set to calculate its dates from child records, and there are no child records, its dates will remain blank.

  • You can always choose to set a release or release phase's dates to Enter manually.

  • If you create a release from a template, its release phases' dates will be set to Enter manually.

  • Workspace owners can set default record date settings by navigating to Settings ⚙️ → Workspace → Configure → Record dates.
