Copy or move documents

Aha! Knowledge

Copy a document to efficiently create a duplicate of it — or move it to make sure it is in the right place.

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Create a copy of a document

You can create copies of both note and whiteboard documents. Right-click a document's title or click the More options button on an open document. Then select Copy [document]. The new document will open and will appear in your document list below the original document.

If your document has a date added, you can copy it to the following week. This is a great option for preparing documents for weekly tasks or meetings. To copy a document to the following week, click its More options menu and select Copy to next week. The new document will be populated with a date one week from the original document. Copy [document] -> Same date will create a duplicate of the document with the same date as the original document.


Move a document

Use the More options menu to move documents between workspaces. You can also move a personal document to a workspace. If you move a parent document that has child documents nested beneath it in a hierarchy, all the child documents beneath it will move with it.

You can also use the More options menu to move a workspace document to your personal documents. Just select More options -> Move to personal [documents].
