Manage work on the workflow board

Aha! Develop

Now that you have populated your team's workflow board with records, you can use it to manage that work, highlight risks, and report on and share your progress.

Click any of the following links to skip ahead:

Manage work

Any user with contributor user permissions in a team can manage work for that team. Use the filters at the top of the page to filter for work that matches the Users, Tags, or Epics you want to focus on.

Then, address the work itself:

  • Click on any record to open its drawer view. From here, you can:

    • Adjust information in the record description or custom fields.

    • Adjust the record's Estimate, or Log time spent on a record, in either hours or story points.

    • Comment on the record to start a discussion.

    • Assign or resolve to-dos.

  • Drag any record to a different status to move it along its workflow.

  • On the Team board, group records by Assignee, then drag any record to a different user's swimlane to change the record's assignee.

Once your team has completed several items, the Done column will start to accumulate records. Use the Completed records filter at the top of the page to remove records from the Done column that are no longer relevant to your team. You can filter that column to records completed within the last day, seven days (default), 14 days, and 30 days.

The Completed records filter will not appear on workflow boards if your team uses sprints to manage work.

If your team uses parking lots, navigate to Work → Details to see a detailed view of a single parking lot and all the records within it.

Finally, navigate to Work → List to leave the kanban boards and view your work in a list report. From here, add filters or adjust data columns to analyze your work in the context of a list. Click on any work item to open a drawer view and see more details.


Track work by type

The workflow board already organizes your work by status. If you have created custom feature types for your team's status workflow, you can highlight those types on the workflow board, so that bugs and other types of work stay visible and get resolved faster.

To show custom feature types on the workflow board:

  • Make sure you selected custom Colors and Icons for the feature types you want to track. Do this at Settings ⚙️→ Account -> Statuses and workflows.

  • On the workflow board, click Customize view ⚙️ -> Customize card layout. Drag any of several options of the Type field onto your record card.

  • For even more differentiation, from the Customize record cards modal click the ⚙️ dropdown, then select Card highlight -> Feature type (background).

Note: The customizations you make will be unique to you and not impact other users in your team.

Even if your workflow board is full of record cards, you will now be able to see at a glance which feature types predominate in each workflow status column.

You can even group records by feature type on the workflow board.


Highlight stalled records

Ideally, your team's work moves through its workflow efficiently. If something gets stuck midway, that can be a sign that the work is inadequately defined — or that your team has a bottleneck. You can highlight records that have spent a long time in a particular workflow status by customizing the card layouts on your workflow board, filtering your board, or customizing your reports.

To customize card layouts:

  • Click the Customize cards ⚙️ dropdown and select Customize card layout.

  • Under Time in team status select the Time in team status icon and drag it onto the Epics, Features, and/or Requirements card layouts.

  • Click Save to save your changes.

Records in progress on your workflow board will now display a timer for how long each record has been in its current status. If this timer looks too long — for example, if a feature has been In progress for a week — then you can have a conversation with your team about impediments and prioritization.

You can also choose to color record cards by their time in a particular status. To do this:

  • Click Customize view -> Customize card layout.

  • Under the gear drowdown in the upper right corner, click Card highlight and select Time in status (sidebar).

The cards on your page will now show the following colors to indicate the time in their current workflow status:

Time in status


Less than three days


Three to six days


Six to nine days


More than nine days


To filter your board by time in workflow status:

  • Adjust the Days in status filter to show records on your board that have been in their current status for a particular number of days.

Finally, it can be useful to analyze records that spent a long time in a given status. To do this:

  • Navigate to the Work -> List page.

  • Add a Data column for Record time in team status.

  • Add a filter for Record days in team status.

Analyze the available data as you see fit — sort the list view by records that spent the longest time in their current status, or filter by a particular number of days in a workflow status.


Highlight at-risk work

Missing estimates, overdue features, unresolved dependencies — you can only mitigate launch risks that you can see. Automated risk indicators highlight records that might be stuck, so you can resolve issues faster and give your team the best chance to deliver on time. You can also manually flag records as at-risk to track indicators that are unique to your team's workflow.

Customize record cards on the Aha! pages where your team spends the most time, so you can get alerted to at-risk work in context.

You can add four types at-risk indicators to your cards:

  • Flag symbol: Indicates that a record has been manually flagged as at-risk.

  • At risk: Indicates that an automated risk indicator has triggered for this record.

  • At risk symbol: Indicates that an automated risk indicator has triggered for this record.

  • Stopwatch symbol: Lists the time that a record has been in its current In progress status. Use it to check whether a time-based risk indicator (such as Started late or Dependencies past due) has triggered for this record.


Report on work (Advanced plan)

If you have enabled Aha! Develop Advanced functionality in your Aha! account, you can visualize your team's productivity over time with the throughput report. As your team completes records each week, you can compare team productivity week-over-week — and gain insights into how team performance is trending over time.

Hero image of the Aha! Develop throughput report.

To reach this report, navigate to Reports -> Throughput. From here, configure your report:

  • Set the Time period you want to use. The default is 6 weeks.

  • Select the User(s) you want to see in your report. The default is All users — your entire team.

  • Select the whether you would like to visualize throughput by Records completed or by time logged against Estimates (by time or story points).


Share progress

Workflow boards help you manage your work and track your team's progress. When it is time to share that progress (or document changes), you have a few options open to you:

  • Click Save view to save your current workflow board view, including any columns you have collapsed or expanded. When you save a view, you will have the option to name it, choose who you wish to share your saved view with, and select if others can edit the view. The Views dropdown lets you access any view you have ever saved.

  • Click the Export button in the upper-right corner to export a static image of your board as a PNG image or PDF document.

  • Use notes to document process changes, key information, or resource libraries in a wiki format.

  • If you are an Aha! Develop Advanced plan customer who has connected with Aha! Roadmaps, add your workflow board to an Aha! presentation.
