Embedded knowledge bases

Aha! Knowledge

Embed a knowledge base directly into your web-based application or website. This provides your customers instant access to support resources without having to navigate away from your product.

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Embed a knowledge base by pasting a code snippet directly into HTML where you want it to appear. When you do, the knowledge base will display within an iframe in the location you added it (without its header and footer). The visitor experience is the same as it is when accessing a knowledge base as standalone site — complete with your homepage, AI-powered search, and easy to navigate document hierarchy.

Embedded knowledge bases can be public, private, or authenticated through single sign-on (SSO). If you plan to embed a private or SSO-authenticated knowledge base, consider that browsers frequently block cookies for iframe content that comes from a different domain. Cookies are essential for authenticating to your knowledge base, and visitors will not be able to log in if cookies are blocked.

To solve this, we recommend using a CNAME for embedded knowledge bases so they match the domain of the hosting page. Make sure the iframe code data-portal-url refers to the knowledge base CNAME.

Search engines do not typically index content in iframes. So embedded knowledge bases are not likely to be indexed by search engines, even if they are public.


Embed your knowledge base

You will need the ability to alter code on the host page where you want to embed your knowledge base, so you might need to collaborate with your web development team during this process. But with the appropriate access, doing so is simple:

  1. From your knowledge base's settings, navigate to Customization -> Branding -> Display and select Embedded.

  2. Select and copy the displayed script. From here, you can give it to the person who will embed your knowledge base (or continue if you will embed it yourself).

  3. Access the HTML of the host page where you want to embed your knowledge base.

  4. Paste the code you copied from your knowledge base settings in the area you want to place the iframe.

  5. Publish or deploy your updates.
