Risk indicators do more than keep individual records on track. Taken together, they uncover workflow bottlenecks, overly-optimistic delivery schedules, and over-tasked or struggling teammates. Report on risk indicators to analyze high-level risks that your plans are exposed to — and start the insightful conversations that will help you deliver on time with confidence.
Your primary tool in this effort is the delivery risk report. Available to Aha! Develop Advanced plan customers, the delivery risks report highlights all records in a sprint that have been automatically or manually flagged as at risk. Thanks to alerts on the program increments view, this report is especially effective for teams that use the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) for planning and delivering software. But any team that uses sprints will see significant benefits.
The delivery risks report separates work into At risk or On track, so you can sort records in your selected sprint(s) at a glance.
Filter the report to include specific records, and to group work by Release, strategic Initiative, Aha! Roadmaps Workspace, individual Aha! Develop Team member, or Sprint.
Hover over any column in the report to see the status, sprint, and record count of that data point.
Click on a section of the report to generate a pre-built list report of all records in that sprint. Click on any record to open a drawer view and adjust details. The report will update automatically with any new information.
Then, start conversations.
If a record was automatically flagged, was the risk alert appropriate? Does it indicate broader workflow or process trouble?
If a record was manually flagged, discuss it. Is a teammate over capacity? Is there a dependency here that has not been documented?
You can also use the full suite of Aha! reports to follow your curiosity. Both Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop include list reports, pivot tables, and charts. Use these to visualize risks, update manually flagged records, and track your team's risk exposure over time.
Remember, you can only report on risks indicators that you have enabled for records created in your workspace or team.
Use the [Record] delivery risks field for a summary of all risks on a given record.
Use the [Record] at risk: [Risk] fields to track individual risk indicators.
Use the [Record] at risk: Flagged record comment field to include comments on manually flagged records.
Because work in Aha! Develop can span epics, features, and requirements — all in the same sprint or on the same workflow board — you can use the Epics, features, requirements table to pull all these Aha! Develop records into one report or chart.
Link risk indicators with linked work to stay on top of critical dependencies.
Use the [Record type] record links table in any list, pivot, or chart report (or custom roadmap!). Then, add the Linked [record type] table and select any field (like Status, Assignee, or Due date) on the linked record's layout.
For a focused view of critical dependencies, filter these reports to show only records with Depends on/Dependency of relationships. You can also add information about manual and automatic risk indicators. Then, add your filtered report as a dashboard panel.