Import Salesforce links by CSV (Advanced plan)

Aha! Ideas

This article discusses functionality that is included in the Aha! Ideas Advanced plan. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or want to try using it in your account.

When you first integrate your Aha! account and Salesforce, you might have hundreds (perhaps thousands) of past ideas that you would like to link together. Once you import your ideas into your Aha! account, you can import links between those ideas and Salesforce records with a simple CSV import. Once linked, you will be able to use either your Aha! account or Salesforce to analyze your customers' feedback and visualize trends and progress.

The CSV import is the quickest and easiest way to link records to Salesforce — but it is not the only way. You can also leverage the APIs of both tools to create links in bulk.

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Importing Salesforce links is a simple process, but there are a few things to complete first for the best experience:

  1. Set up your Salesforce integration — and test that it works.

  2. Import your ideas via CSV.

  3. If you have existing organizations in your Aha! account, check that they are already linked to Salesforce accounts so you do not create duplicate organizations when you import links.

    You can import organizations through the Salesforce integration. When you do, imported organizations will link automatically to any organization in your Aha! account with a matching name. You do not need to import organizations before importing links.

Once your account is populated with ideas, your Salesforce integration is set up, and your organizations are linked to accounts in Salesforce, you are ready to import your idea links.


Prepare CSV

Ideas within Salesforce link to their corresponding ideas in your Aha! account by the proxy vote that has been added in Salesforce. So you will import proxy votes to link records. The first step is to the get all the information you need for your import in a CSV. Create a new CSV with the following columns:

  • Idea: Enter the Aha! name or the reference ID for each idea here.

  • Creator: Enter the name of who created the proxy vote here. This is often a sales or support person who captured feedback from the customer.

  • Salesforce record type: You can choose to import links to Accounts, Cases, or Opportunities.

  • Salesforce record ID: This is the 18-character record ID in Salesforce. If the record type is account, the ID is used to find the organization in Aha! that is already linked to this Salesforce ID or it will create and link a new organization.

  • Salesforce user ID: This is the 18-character ID of the user who linked the record. Typically this is the Salesforce ID for the person in the creator field.

  • Salesforce account ID (optional): Enter an account ID here to ensure that proxy votes are linked to the correct organization in your Aha! account.

The import will fail if the CSV file is too large. If your file has many hundreds of lines, consider breaking it up into multiple imports. We recommend starting out by importing a few links to ensure the import works as expected before doing a larger import.


Import CSV

With your CSV prepared, you are ready to import it into your workspace:

  1. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ -> Workspace -> Import records from a CSV file.

  2. Next to Choose the type of records you would like to import, select Idea Salesforce links.

  3. Select the Salesforce integration from the dropdown.

  4. Upload your CSV file.

  5. Confirm mappings. When you import your CSV, fields will map automatically — you will only need to look them over and confirm the correct fields are mapped to one another.

  6. Click Import if everything looks right.

Once your CSV imports successfully, Aha! records will link to their corresponding records in Salesforce. Likewise, Salesforce records will show links to ideas.
