My work

Aha! Whiteboards

Manage everything you want to accomplish today from your My Work page. Move seamlessly between managing today's tasks with to-dos and defining user flows and product innovations on whiteboards, all from one central place.

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Access the My work page

Your My work page is the first thing that you see when you login to Aha! Whiteboards. To return to it from another page:

  • Use the workspace selector in the upper left of your screen to select the My work page.

  • Hover over your profile picture in the upper right of your screen and select the My work page.

Your My work page provides you with an easy way to access all records assigned to you, your personal to-dos, and your personal whiteboards. It also highlights the newest templates added to Aha! Whiteboards.

While you can access any personal document or to-do assigned to you from the left side navigation, all the documents and to-dos on your My work page are associated with a specific date. When you access your My work page, you will see today's date pre-selected at the top of the page. Use the dropdown next to the date to view to-dos and whiteboards related to a past or future date.



The To-dos section of your My work page will list all the to-dos assigned to or created by you. The page groups to-dos into Overdue, Due this week, Due later, and No due date.

Configure this page by:

  • User: By default, you see your to-dos. But you can also see to-dos assigned to other users in your Aha! account.

  • Due: Filter by a particular due date time frame.

  • Click the toggle to choose between to-dos Assigned to me or Created by me.

  • Click the status toggle to choose between to-dos In progress or Completed

  • Sort the page by Due date or Completed date.

Click Add to-do in the To-dos section to create a new to-do on your My work page.



Use this page to create new whiteboards and quickly access the whiteboards you viewed most recently. The Documents page is divided into three sections:

  • Guided templates: Click Guided template + a template from the Aha! template library. When you add a template from your My work page, it will be populated with the date selected on your calendar automatically so it is easy for you to find later.

  • Whiteboards: Click Whiteboard + to create a new blank whiteboard.

  • Recent documents: See whiteboards you have recently accessed in the Recent whiteboards — so you can easily revisit them to continue brainstorming or refining concepts.


The Recents page shows you a full list of the whiteboards you last accessed, in reverse chronological order.

Shared with me

Whiteboards that have been shared with you will appear here in the Shared with me page.


My documents

You can find all of your personal whiteboards in the My documents section.

  • Use folders to group whiteboards together. Drag whiteboards into a folder to organize them.

  • To reorder whiteboards and folders, drag and drop them into your preferred order. If you drag a folder, all nested whiteboards will come with it.

    You can drag folders to new locations whether they are expanded or collapsed, but it might be easier visually to do this while they are collapsed.

  • To move a whiteboard, click and drag it to a new location. To move multiple documents at once, use Shift + click or Cmd/Ctrl + click to select the whiteboards you want to move. Then drag and drop them together to their new location in the document list.

When you drag a whiteboard or folder to a new location, blue bars will show you where it will land in order. A thin blue bar means your record will exist above or below another record in the order. A thick blue bar means that your record will be nested under another document in the order.
