Introduction to reports

Aha! Ideas

This article discusses proxy votes or ideas portal custom domains. You need to be an Aha! Ideas Advanced plan customer to access these features. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or would like to try using it in your account. If your Aha! account was created before October 20, 2020, you may have access to these integrations, but you will need to upgrade to Aha! Ideas Advanced for any future enhancements.

Reporting should not be a painful process, but all too often, it is. In the world of cross-linked spreadsheets and unreconciled data sources, gathering insights from your data can be exhausting.

We built Aha! Ideas to be different. Aha! Ideas helps you capture all of your feedback in one place and the Aha! Ideas reports help you organize your ideas into insightful reports and charts. You can share them with interested teammates or use them to inspire further analysis.

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Create a report

There are two ways to create a report. If you start on your reports overview by navigating to Roadmaps → Overview, you can pick an example report. Aha! Ideas comes with more than 20 example reports to choose from. Pick one that fits your needs and modify it as you see fit.

Aha! Ideas reports builder configured to build a pivot table

Otherwise, any time you create a report in Aha! Ideas you will use the Create report interactive modal. From here, you can use an example report or follow the steps to create your own custom report.

If you choose to Create your own report, choose the record type you want to build your report around. You can choose from Popular record types or Advanced (less commonly used) record types.

Once you select a primary record type, you can pair it with another secondary record type.

If you don't see your preferred record type pairing here, you can always link additional record types later in the Add fields step.

In the Add fields step, you can add fields related to the record types you already selected or add additional record types to your report. Remember, the order of the record types you select will change the data your report displays.

It can be helpful to add the phrase "with their" when considering record type relationships. So a report built on ideas and workspaces would be "ideas with their workspaces."

The last step in the report builder is to Add filters to your report. You can add Basic filters here for a simple series of dropdown filters at the top of your report. Or you can add Advanced filters if you want the filters to have a relationship with each other and make use of the logical operators All, Any, and None. If you know exactly how you want to focus your report, you can set your filter values right from the report builder. And later on, you can always use inline filters to refine your reports too.

Click Create report to create your report. Come back to the report builder anytime. Click the Edit data or Edit filters icons to return to the relevant step.


Filter your report

After you have created your report, you can always adjust the filters to focus it further.

  • To create a basic filter, hover over the filters bar at the top of the page and click the Add filter icon. Select a record type, then one or more filters. Click Add to add them. This is a great option to add a filter quickly without opening another modal.

  • To create an advanced filter, click the Edit filters icon on the filters bar. This will take you back to the report builder, where you can apply logical operators between filters.

    List report with the add basic filter button highlighted

Once you have your filters set, you can lock them or set hierarchy filters to auto-update. And you can always remove a filter by clicking the Remove filter X icon beside it.


List reports

Navigate to Reports → List to create a list report. List reports are your go-to tool for creating reports based on hundreds of different data objects. With the list table, you can add column headers for every Aha! Ideas data object. Then you can filter and sort the data to present different views of what you have going on in your workspace or across your account. You can even bulk edit records with a list report.

List report of ideas, votes, and statuses.


Pivot tables

Navigate to Reports → Pivot to create a pivot table. Pivots, available to Ideas Advanced users, are incredibly powerful tools for taking all of the data in Aha! Ideas and creating in-depth analysis reports on what is going on. Similar to the list report, the pivot view allows you to manipulate data from the hundreds of different data objects stored in Aha! Ideas and then organize it all in a customizable pivot table.

Status and category pivot report



Navigate to Reports → Charts to create a chart. Charts, available to Ideas Advanced users, provide ways to beautifully visualize ideas data. Use them to highlight the most important aspects of your reports for your stakeholders.

Click on any section of a chart to open a custom list report of its underlying data.

Column chart showing Idea category by status


Share your reports

You can easily share your ideas reports with stakeholders by selecting one of the export options through the Share button on the top-right of the screen.

  • To invite people outside of your Aha! Ideas account to view your reports, select Share as webpage.

  • To schedule recurring email delivery of your report, select Schedule email delivery.

  • To export your list report for further analysis, select Export to Excel or Export to CSV. You can import from CSV to update data later.

  • For a static version of your reports, export your report to PNG image or PDF document.
