Cumulative flow diagram (Advanced plan)

Aha! Develop

Every engineering team spends a significant amount of time thinking about the progress of individual records on their workflow board or in their sprints. Where work flows smoothly through its workflow, your team can have higher confidence that they will deliver excellent updates on time.

The cumulative flow diagram visualizes the flow of work through your team at a high level, so that you can identify and resolve systemic problems before they affect your ability to implement your roadmap. Use this report to identify areas where your team is over (or under!) capacity, or statuses in your workflow that are holding the team back from delivering their best work.

Cumulative flow diagram in Aha! Develop

Aha! Develop Advanced plan required. Contact us if you want a demo, or to try using this in your account. No salespeople here at Aha! — just product experts.

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Configure the diagram

To access the cumulative flow diagram, navigate to Reports -> Cumulative flow.

  • By default, the diagram shows you the flow of all your team's work. Select a Record type to filter it to Features or Requirements.

  • By default the diagram shows you all statuses in your team's workflow. Open the Workflow statuses filter to select the statuses that most affect your team's throughput.

  • Choose the Timeframe for your diagram: Six weeks, Three months, Six months, One year, or a Custom date range.

Choose a Custom date range and configure your diagram to your team's exact planning cycles, so you can track how your work has progressed since your last strategic planning.


Read the diagram

The chart displays the cumulative count of work items — collectively and within each status — over time. Hover over any point on the chart to see the exact number of items in each phase on a given day, as well as how many items were added and completed during the time frame.

  • If the various status bands are roughly the same width, rising in parallel over time, your team is moving through work consistently.

  • If a band widens significantly, it might indicate a bottleneck or unexpected delay in the process.

  • If a band narrows significantly, it might indicate that your team has unallocated capacity, or that a particular workflow status may take a disproportionately short time to move through.

When you have identified an area you want to investigate further:

  • Hover over an area of the diagram to see the records in each status on that day, as well as your team's records Added and records Completed rates for the entire visible timeframe.

  • Click on an area of the diagram to open a pre-built list report of all records that had workflow status events on that day, including the record's Name, Type, Estimate, Assignee, and Status.

Because records go through multiple status changes during their workflow, records will likely appear on the report more than once.n
